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We are an OFFICIAL Ticketmaster affiliate!

We are an OFFICIAL Ticketmaster affiliate!

When we decided to build the Bangor Buzz website, it was done with this simple question, “How did I not know about that event”?  This question was the basis for the idea and the mission we have to this day.   We strive to make sure the community, and all of its resources,  are informed of all that is happening.  In that effort, we will work not only to tell but to make access to these events and activities accessible.

Yes,….we know that events are shown on all kinds of places on the internet.   The real venue site, fan pages, promoter and organizer sites, and social media.   We think that is great and urge that to happen more.  However, some people may not see an event or activity, because they are not “friends or following” a particular page.  It is this reason social media encourages sharing.   We simply take that to the next level and share all we can in one place.   That way people don’t have to remember all the names and sites to go and search for.   It is that simple, and we are always told how nice it is to have a single place.

So we started Bangor Buzz with the calendar.   We wanted it to be robust and easy to search.   Then we started to apply tools to the events.  This was as simple as including maps to show where each venue is located.   Then we started to reach out to use outside resources.   One of those would include Ticketmaster.  We are an official Ticketmaster affiliate, and we are proud of it.   We worked hard at getting that designation, and we did it to further give a service to those looking to attend the events we feature.  The tickets purchased here are sold directly through Ticketmaster, and the transactions are completed through their system.   We only offer a link to get you there quicker.   We will always look to broaden our site with more features that make your experience smooth.   It is also important to us that we make sure proper credit is given to venues, organizers, and events.  If available, we always provide the link to the source.   There is no exception to that rule for us.   We want to promote the community and the State we love so much.

Thank you to all who follow us,

Bangor Buzz